
Taking a year off of work, well that’s a great idea. One that is easy to conceive of, but yet harder to make happen. I’m doing it! Saved up the money, arranged the time off of work, did the research/planning. Now I’m going!

The main part of my year off is to be spent living in South America, specifically Ecuador for 3 months and then Peru, Colombia and Bolivia are possibilities. My goals are to immerse in Spanish language, learn about natural history especially birds, participate in conservation work and meet local people. I hope to broaden my perspectives and be open to new ways of doing things. I also want to share with others in whatever way I can including music, as I am bringing a travel guitar!

This blog will be the place for me to share what I am experiencing with my friends and family.  I would love to hear from any of you, so feel free to send a comment.